

Our radio is online every day to bring you peace and faith, if you can't reach us just turn on the stream and join us in the spirit.







Arthur Bennet

Donec gravida nunc non elit lacinia, a tempus est finibus. Aliquam a fringilla arcu, sit amet iaculis mauris. Phasellus varius enim vel urna viverra fringilla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac.


Tammy Curezd

Curabitur id urna feugiat, luctus nunc vel, vehicula justo. Suspendisse lorem leo, bibendum nec nisi quis, mattis mollis nisl. Nam mi libero, vehicula eget aliquet ac, vehicula nec ante. Donec.


Klary Dell

Donec ullamcorper consequat pharetra. Etiam et tincidunt neque. Sed molestie, sem id tincidunt malesuada, sapien leo tristique dui, at auctor arcu eros at nulla. Phasellus lacus ante, feugiat eu enim.


Mendez Roger

Ut convallis bibendum vehicula. Quisque sit amet enim molestie, vestibulum purus quis, ultricies urna. Pellentesque tellus metus, mollis vitae blandit ac, lobortis a justo.


Lauren Starr

Vivamus ac arcu mollis, auctor elit eget, efficitur ipsum. Duis libero tellus, luctus eget sapien vel, venenatis sollicitudin felis. Nullam non erat justo. Morbi tincidunt vehicula est. Donec ut sem.

Albert Philips

Cras ultricies purus cursus imperdiet vehicula. In commodo erat lacus. Morbi justo tellus, ornare sed pharetra vitae, tincidunt vitae risus. Donec blandit pulvinar dapibus.




Five Often-Missed Questions in Church Revitalization

A new movement is beginning to take shape in North America. More pastors and church leaders are focusing on church revitalization. People are starting to do something with these churches that are on every street corner. I’m excited. While it’s too early to tell how widespread a revitalization movement will become, I have high hopes. For the last several decades, we’ve written off too many churches, assuming they are destined to die. We don’t write off individuals in this way, […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 91 1 2


The Four Corners of Sermon Prep

Everyone has their method for preparing a sermon. I’ve read books and talked with many pastors about their approaches to sermon prep and it varies greatly. I’ve taken nuggets from many places and landed on a method of sermon prep that works well for me. If I had to name it, I’d call my method “The Four Corners Method.” I start my sermon prep by printing out the passage on a single blank sheet of paper. On each corner of […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 38 1 2


Decked Out! A ChurchMag Minecraft Community Project

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 38 2


Collaboration Platforms [Podcast #326]

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 10


Creating Useful Guides And Documentation [Podcast #327]

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 25


Book Review: Apatheism by Kyle Beshears

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more and more people are becoming apathetic regarding faith. A combination […]

todaySeptember 2, 2021 12


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